Lower your cost of test
Elevate is dedicated to building the future of semiconductor technology by creating the technology necessary to enable the next generation of testing. Our comprehensive solutions are designed to streamline semiconductor testing, giving you greater capabilities and a faster path to market. We offer a range of products, including standard, semi-custom, and custom SKUs, that are designed for the long term and function across generations of innovation. Let us assist you with your next project and strive to exceed your expectations by designing low-power, high-density solutions that will reduce your cost of test.
Product Highlights
ELE18RAE (Rainier)
Rainier is Elevate’s flagship PE, PMU, DAC + Deskew product that combines the market’s lowest power and 2Gbps performance.
Product release Q1 2024
Mystery is our most popular SOC Octal Pin Electronic, PMU, DAC + Deskew product running at 500MHz per channel.Â
Available Now
Whitney is a High-Voltage DPS/PMU technology providing 60V outputs at up to 1A for each of its two channels.
Product release Q1 2024
ELE58VE2A (Vesuvius)
Vesuvius is a highly integrated SOC DPS incorporating 8 independent Channels. FV, FI, MV, MI, HiZ Capability.
Available Now
ISL55188 (Saturn)
Saturn is a System on a Chip (SOC), Dual-Channel, Wide-Voltage Pin-Electronics Solution. P/E + PMU + DAC +Deskew + Load
Available Now
ELE18RAE (Rainier)
Rainier is ElevATE’s flagship PE, PMU, DAC + Deskew product that combines the market’s lowest power and 2Gbps performance.
Product release Q1 2024
Mystery is our most popular SOC Octal Pin Electronic, PMU, DAC + Deskew product running at 500MHz per channel.Â
Available Now
Whitney is a High-Voltage DPS/PMU technology providing 60V outputs at up to 1A for each of its two channels.
Product release Q1 2024
ISL55188 (Saturn)
Saturn is a System on a Chip (SOC), Dual-Channel, Wide-Voltage Pin-Electronics Solution. P/E + PMU + DAC +Deskew + Load
Available Now
ELE58VE2A (Vesuvius)
Vesuvius is a highly integrated SOC DPS incorporating 8 independent Channels. FV, FI, MV, MI, HiZ Capability.
Available Now
Testing 5nm geometries
Testing 5nm and Smaller Process Geometries.
NEws + articles
EVMs – For Precision Product Evaluation
Elevate Semiconductor offers a diverse array of products, and the Evaluation Module (EVM) plays a pivotal role in the assessment and testing of our devices …
Tackling Complex Challenges in Semiconductor Chiplet Testing
Tackling Complex Challenges in Semiconductor Chiplet Testing In semiconductor technology, chiplets have emerged as modular components that can operate either independently or collectively on a …
Interview – Anthony Turvey – Elevate
Interview with Anthony Turvey, Director of High Speed IC Design at ElevATE Interviewer: How did you end up in the ATE industry? Anthony: “Probably like …
AI Processor Testing: Power Consumption
AI Processors, such as prominent models like Graphcore and NVIDIA’s AI Super Chip GH200, demonstrate formidable computational power. With power consumption levels varying between 150W …